Why should I join the Membership?

In order to have a well rounded dog, it is important to have well rounded training. We don't want to be too focused on just one sport. Cross training will keep you and your dog engaged and having fun! In the membership you will learn:

  • Foundations

  • Obedience

  • Tricks

  • Body Awareness

  • Rally

  • Fitness & Conditioning

  • Confidence Building

  • Parkour

  • and more!


  • Is this class suitable if I don't compete with my dog?

    Yes! Training your dog will result in a better behaved pet and improve your bond!

  • Why should I video my training sessions?

    Videos are a great way to go back and see any changes you can make to improve your dogs understanding of an exercise. It is also important for me to see what is happening to help you problem solve.

  • Do I have to video my training?

    Videoing is optional, but if you want feedback I will ask you to post a video. Nobody cares if you are in your pajamas or your house isn't clean, so never worry about anything when you video!